Hello, everyone.
My name is Ashe. I have a sexy brain.
I am not new to this blogging thang, as I have kept a personal one for about six years now. However, now that I've found myself a niche, I think it's time to "grow up" a bit in terms of what I'm writing about. Of course I'm still going to be "me", but I wanted something a bit cleaner and more professional-ish.
So there you have it.
This blog is going to include samplings from my modeling portfolio, and I will try with each entry to focus upon a book, movie, or music finding that has caught my interest. That's what you're supposed to do, correct? Babble uselessly about things that you like so people will think you're all edgy-artsy-cool?
Sounds like fun to me!
The Stand was on SyFy today, and I started to watch it because I'm such a huge fan of the book and the Graphic Novel. (which is a phenomenal adaptation, by the way, I strongly suggest that everyone pick up a copy. It follows the book almost precisely, the art is beautiful, and something absolutely wonderful happened--I fell in love with the old, familiar characters all over again. It was like an anniversary, or some shit.)
Anyhow, I digress, I was watching the film with my boyfriend, who, though interested in the graphic novel, had not read the book. It was the first time that either of us had seen the film, as well, and we ended up changing the channel within the first half-hour, mainly because I was getting sick of explaining to him what was going on.
I don't blame him. Had I never read the book and was unfamiliar with the plot, that movie would have left me in the dust, as well.
I forgot how good the Romeo+Juliet soundtrack is.
What colour should I paint my toenails? Hmm.